Video Terms of Use

As a User of the video service, I agree to the following terms of use. I will act and engage in a manner that is professional and courteous while on video with representatives from the Great NorthWest Federal Credit Union. I shall not use language or gestures that are intended to harm, threaten, or demean. I understand using such actions can result in a ban from the video platform. When using the system, I will be dressed in such a way that would be consistent with being present in a physical branch. I shall not use this service while driving or operating other heavy machinery, and understand that all risks, injury and harm associated with doing so are NOT responsible by the Great NorthWest Federal Credit Union.

Information presented to you may contain sensitive information. I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure the protection of this information and to ensure that my connection to internet is safe and that my device is free from malicious software. Great NorthWest may offer the ability to "co-browse" on my device. I must provide explicit consent to allow any access to seeing my device. I must also provide explicit consent for any possible control of the window being shared.

Great NorthWest FCU may record video, audio and chat for internal purposes. Control of this feature is solely available to Great NorthWest FCU. I understand that I am prohibited from recording, downloading, screen-shooting or otherwise capturing video conversations.

If multiple parties are involved in a product purchase or service acquisition and signatures are required, I understand that all involved parties must be present. I understand that if I agree to the terms of use, and fail to meet the requirements as described above, the representative I am speaking with may terminate our current video session, and I will not be allowed to receive services from the aforementioned organization through this channel. Great NorthWest Federal Credit Union will operate in good faith, and use just cause while evaluating potential abuse, but will not accept any liability from failure to read, understand, or follow the above-mentioned terms.